Wales Key Stage 2

Hunt the Asteroids

How do we find asteroids?

An image of a pair of binoculars on the Earth looking out to space showing small asteroids scattered through it.

Recreate a Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. The Moon stops the Sun’s

An image of the Moon crossing over the Sun

Life on Earth

Short Intro Text: 

How are living things connected? What do they need to survive? Can we find clues in the Solar System that help us find out why there is life on Earth?

Complete this quiz to discover what makes our planet so special!

Investigate Day and Night

Short Intro Text: 

On Earth, night follows day and day follows night. But why?

Complete this fun investigation to find out!

Make a Sundial

A paper sundial lying on the grass

Why Do Shadows Change Over Time?


Have you noticed that your shadow changes over time? The cartoon on this page shows why shadows change during the day.


Screenshot of the shadows animation.

Maths with the Moon

Short Intro Text: 
The Apollo mission badge. It shows a large capital A between drawings of the Moon and the Earth. The constellation of Orion is in front of the A
The Apollo missions badge

Light and Mirrors Card Match

Short Intro Text: 

Astronomers use light to study things in space. Objects like planets, stars and galaxies all emit or reflect light. Telescopes help astronomers collect light from objects that are far away in space.

How much do you know about the topic of light? Match the word to the correct definition to find out!


You Decide! Should We Explore Space?

Scientists are always discussing and debating their ideas. One topic that is continually up for debate is ‘Should humans explore space?’. Some people think it is important for people to visit other worlds.

An illustration of the planet Mars with an astronaut and robot on it. Above the planet, several people are having a discussion.

Skills for Space

A drawing of an astronaut standing on the Earth against a dark starry background with the words 'myth vs. reality' to the right of the astronaut
